SARS-CoV-2 detection by direct rRT-PCR without RNA extraction
Detection Principle
NucleicAcid-PCR based
E, S, RdRP
Testing Method Category
Testing Method
Testing Method - Additional Info
comparison between direct PCR using SeeGene AllplexTM 2019-nCoV rRT-PCR with RealStarĀ® SARS-CoV-2 rRT-PCR kit (Altona Diagnostics)
Reported Performance
Reamrk: i) SeeGene and Altona kits provide similar efficiency, ii) direct rRT-PCR without RNA extraction is possible if samples are collected in UTM or molecular water; ii), specimens stored in water should be screened rapidly, iii) RNA extraction is necessary if samples are in saline water or Hanks medium.
Sample Size
95 samples
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